Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help for Haiti

Here's a chance to help others who are clearly in a devastating situation and need humanitarian aid. Haitians surely need our assistance and if you are inclined and able to give, no matter how small, here are a few ideas...

From the website Serious Eats (

How to Help Send Food to Haiti
Posted by Erin Zimmer, January 13, 2010 at 6:50 PM

As we learn more about yesterday's 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, relief efforts are underway to help those left devastated by this tragedy. Epi-Log has come up with a list of organizations where you can make donations: United Nations' World Food Programme, Red Cross, Oxfam America, and Action Against Hunger.

Also from my friend Mary Shafer...

If u can text, u can help. Text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross Int'l Releif fund, billed 2 ur cell phone account. NOT a scam. White House endorses. I just did it. Please share this with ur friends - Haiti's the poorest nation on Earth, and just survived two disastrous tropical storms recently. These people h...ave NOTHING. It's just $10 to you, but together with everyone else, you may make the difference between enough and not enough. Bless u for giving what you can. Bless u doubly if u can't.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Rose, for passing along my post and for featuring my web sites on your blog!

    Mary :)
